Letter's to Jack

This Blog will be made up of letter's writen to our son Jack , who even though he is not with us physically ,he will always be in hearts. If people would like to make a donation in Jack's name, please make it to The Hospital for Sick Children. Thank You

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Turning Corners

Hi Baby Boy, I hope you are snuggled in for the night. Daddy and I had a busy day, and are tired tonight. Tomorrow is Daddy's first day at the new job, and Tuesday I start full days again. As time goes on, its getting easier to turn each corner, but it is still scary. No matter what we expect to happen, it could always be different... Sometimes it feels like the more time that passes, the farther away from you I am. A thank you to Cindy, who reminded me the other day that you are only a thought away.
Here is something that Shakespeare wrote, many many moons ago, yet still very true this moment.

Off then with the old. The decay, and the mouldering mustiness of this shapeless mass:
On then with the eternal vastness of an unfettered spirit-
A being of such freedom, As moving seems apart, Even from reality And projects the immage Of eternal hope
Into the tiniest gem or dewdrop.
Cupped within a blossom rare.

I love you to the moon and back Baby Boy. Be with Daddy tomorrow Ok? I know you will be.
Love Momma


Blogger Catch said...

Tell Joe good luck tomorrow!!!!! I hope everything goes great for him!!! And you too on Tuesday!!!! You are turning corners Karen...and its a good thing for you to do. Jack will always be with you...always. Love ya Sweety!

3:00 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

you will never, ever forget Jack or love him any less. i promise. time will take care of you both. so will love and of course God. but healing is not forgetting my sweet. he is a part of you.

it's like a parent who has more than one child. there is enough room in the heart for both kids..the heart like the minds just expands and makes more room..your life will change and fill up but it's just growth.there will be room for the new life and the old. don't fret. Jack will not dissapear. i love you.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your work goes well for both of you!

How did your tattoo heal?

3:08 PM  

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