Father's Day Part 2
I guess you saw your Momma and I today. We had a good day out and we both thought about you quite a bit today. Your Momma is an amazing person and I am so lucky that she is with me. I really wish you could have been here with us today, but I know that wasn't possible, but as you always know you are always here with us in our hearts. Here is a picture I took of your Momma and me at a tree at Mono Cliffs provincial Park, it was so nice there.
Thank you so much for a good father's day
Love your Father
You are an amazing person. I love you with all my heart and soul.
Your BabyGirl
Hoe nice it was to see you two out enjoying the day! Thanks for the pictures Joe! When I got up this morning my pool water all ran over the side...lol..I knew yesterday it was gonna go! My Mother was letting the dog out this morning and she heard a big swoosh...scared her...lol..my son will have to come and fix it..I think it just got unlevel, dont ask me how...lol
You two look so sweet.
hey....you ok?
Karen....I havent heard from you today. Everything ok?
enjoy the night with your Mom! Glad you had a good day!!!! See ya tomorrow!
hugs and kisses
Karen i don't know if you are the same person but my heart tells me it is. A couple of months ago i got a very touching comment from a Karen. She mentioned that her new blog was about a baby boy that they had lost. But she didn't leave a link to her blog. Joe and i tried to find you by doing word searches and name search but nothing. i never forgot about your comment or you guys. i am so grateful to Catch for linking back to you. I know it's you, i'm sure of it. Pls email me. I have been hoping to somehow cross paths with you again. I even though of writting a post to you in hopes that you may read it but i chicken out..i didn't want to use your loss as a way to find you.
Great pictures! Your sweet baby boy is always with you and is a part of you! I am glad you know that!:)As I said before I really lik ethis bnlog. It is very special and I admire it! Take care!
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