Good Morning Baby Boy: I thought it was a good time to share this, I read it everyday- it gives me strength, and I think of you.
An Angel once lay beneath my heart, A promise of life to come; My little babe was resting there, Yet would not follow me home. My tiny precious Angel, Had plans unknown to all, For my Angel heard the voice of God, And hastened to his call. My Angel flew on fragile wings, Into the fathers arms; To slumber there in peaceful rest, Untouched by earthly harms. So slumber there, my precious child, Till I can come to you; I'll keep you here, deep in my heart, Till my journey on earth is through.
- 2001 Allison Chambers Coxsey-
This was sent to us from wonderful people Daddy knows, and I am so thankful. If I can't have you with me, I like knowing you are an Angel Baby, and can fly and have fun. Can you see us ? I wish I could see you, see you smile. You'd have a beautiful smile like Daddy. I miss you so much. My heart hurts.
I love you Mr. Twinkle Toes, can you dance where you are ?
Love Moma